Sarah Langston Sarah Langston


The word demanding is frequently used to bully, reduce, and humiliate Autistic people - in particular, Autistic women. It is a word that, among many others, is commonplace in discriminatory rhetoric towards Autistics.

It is so commonplace and so hurtful, reductive and bound up in intolerance of Autistic traits, that it is regarded by many in the community as a slur.

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Sarah Langston Sarah Langston

PTSD recovery is a community project

Recently, I experienced a severe episode of PTSD. This has reminded me of the power of relationships in recovery, and why living with PTSD always happens best in the belly of community.

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Sarah Langston Sarah Langston

No bad mothers: answering Autistic mother guilt

Most people know what Mother Guilt is, but how does this show up for Autistic and ND mothers? In my experience as a Disability Advocate, it can be louder and much more damaging. Yet there are ways out of it.

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Sarah Langston Sarah Langston

Psycho-social Disability bias is a virus

It has been my experience that, as a woman with psychosocial disabilities, people automatically question the validity of my narrative.

Even the most seasoned lawyers, academics, people working in crim, that I have spoken to. Even those in disability advocacy, who should know better. (cont)

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