About Sarah
Sarah Langston is a fine artist, Disability Advocate, Law student and community organiser working on Gundungurra and Darug land in the Blue Mountains. She is proudly Autistic and ADHD/Neurodivergent, and a single mother of a Neurodivergent child in a NSW Public School.
Sarah explores justice and ethics in her work. She is chiefly interested in telling stories about the rights of women and children, and systemic discrimination against people with psychosocial disabilities.
In her Advocacy work, she works with ND women and their children to ensure their rights to systems access and justice are realised. She is passionate about the importance of co-design and Disability-led reforms.
Sarah is currently undertaking a Juris Doctor of Law at Macquarie University and is focused on strategic use of the law the advance the rights of Disabled women, children and parents in Australia.
“A lot of late-diagnosed women get missed because they can mask. But when you look at their lives, they’ve been in and out of psych wards.
It’s life-limiting when you don’t have the support you need; just because someone can be articulate, doesn’t mean they’re fine.”
(quote appeared in The Sydney Morning Herald article “Beautiful Minds: Inside the Identity Politics of Autism.” April 1, 2024.)
Community and political work
Parents and Carers Policy Officer, NSW Labor Enabled Executive Leadership team (April-Nov 2023)
President, Australian Neurodivergent Parents Association (2023-2024) (current)
Advisor, People with Disability Advisory Committee, ACON (current)
Professional experience and training
Juris Doctor of Laws, Macquarie University (current candidate)
Masters of Public and Social Policy, MQU (current candidate)
Bachelor of Communications (Journalism), University of Canberra, 2004
Diploma of Early Childhood Education, NSW TAFE, 2014
Disability Advocacy Resource Unit training, 2022
Macquarie University Law Society (MULS)
People with Disabilities Australia (PWDA)
Women with Disabilities Australia (WWDA)
Autism Spectrum Australia (ASpect)
Australian Neurodivergent Parents Association (ANPA)
Autism Self Advocacy Network (ASAN)
Australian Services Union (ASU)
NSW Council for Civil Liberties (NSWCCL)
Disability Leadership Institute
Media coverage/published work:
Blue Mountains Gazette, 2024:
Sydney Morning Herald, 2024:
Autism diagnosis: An identity, a community and a cause (smh.com.au)
Psychocinematic Podcast, 2023:
Women With Disabilities Australia ‘Lead’ Blog Feature, 2022: Why Autistic Friendship for women is Suicide prevention - Women With Disabilities Australia (wwda.org.au)
Queer Stories, 2020:
Queerstories 2020 | Purpose | Bronte Noakes & Sarah Langston - Maeve Marsden
Bent Art Artist Collective: