A picture of Sarah sitting with her friend Laura at the closing ceremony of the Disability Royal Commission.

“Rights are not given; they are won.”

A black and white photo of Sarah holding her favourite mug which says "Problem Child".

I believe Disabled rights are human rights. That’s why I fight for them every day.

I work across both Individual and Systemic Advocacy.

As an Individual Disability Advocate, I work to lift the voices of Neurodivergent clients by supporting in the following areas:

  • Child Protection

  • Family Law

  • Education - Early Childhood, Primary, Highschool and Tertiary

  • Access to the NDIS

  • Medical settings - including access to Diagnostic tools

  • Support Co-ordination of NDIS Plans

  • Parent Education in self advocacy skills

I can help support documentation, provide witness and scribe in meetings, chair meetings and conferences, and provide help with strategy.

I have a sound knowledge of the Disability Discrimination Act, the NSW Anti Discrimination Act, and the Disability Standards for Education. I consult with solicitors, larger Advocacy bodies and academics in the course of my work.

As a Systemic Advocate, I work with Members of Parliament, Advocacy bodies and service providers on improving representation and access of Neurodivergent mothers to support, justice and equity. I am currently advocating for:

  • Increased access to the NDIS for mothers with ADHD and ASD1

  • Increased access to Medicare and bulk billing of ADHD and ASD screening

  • Increased access to Advocacy services for ND mothers

  • Changes to Child Protection policies and practices in NSW to provide a greater understanding of ND presentations in mothers and the need for practical support

  • “Support don’t report” as a model of early intervention

  • Compensation and redress for ND mothers and their children harmed by the over policing of our community by Child Protection workers

  • An end to the profiling of Autistic mothers as perpetrators of Factitious Illness Abuse; permanent change to the use of Structured Decision Making in regards to this concern

  • Reducing the number of ND children in Out of Home Care by promoting diversion strategies in ND communities and systems

  • Compliance to the Disability Standards for Education for all ND children, including ADHD - currently not provided for adequately by the NSW Education system

My fees:

Individual advocacy support for Disabled people and their families:

$80 p/h flat rate

Consultation with government and the community sector:

$100 p/h flat rate

I represent ND mothers at risk of removal of their children who do not have access to financial support on a Pro Bono basis.

I am only able to take a small number of these matters at any time.

I am unable to assist on long-term pro-bono advocacy matters involving child protection or Family or Children’s Courts, however I can give very short-term background advice and attend home visits with child protection workers as a witness and advocate by Zoom or phone (on a limited basis) and give general advice regarding how to prepare for a home visit/respond if you have been contacted by child protection.